
Also known as grain legumes are a group of 12 crops that includes dry beans, dry peas, chickpeas, and lentils. They are high in protein, fiber, and various vitamins, provide amino acids, and are hearty crops.

Pulses are an essential part of a healthy and sustainable diet. They are a low-fat source of protein, fiber and many other key nutrients like iron, folate and potassium. Scientific evidence links pulse consumption to strategies that manage risk factors for diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Pulses are also water-efficient, low-carbon crops that help contribute to soil health.

Climatic Requirement:
Pulse crops are cultivated in Kharif, Rabi and Zaid seasons of the Agricultural year. Rabi crops require mild cold climate during sowing period, during vegetative to pod development cold climate and during maturity / harvesting warm climate. Similarly, Kharif pulse crops require warm climate throughout their life from sowing to harvesting. Summer pulses are habitants of warm climate. Seed is required to pass many stages to produce seed like germination, seedling, vegetative, flowering, fruit setting, pod development and grain maturity / harvesting.
Major pulses grown and consumed in India are: