On the oilseeds map of the world, India occupies a prominent position, both with regard to acreage and production. India is the 4th largest oil seed producing economy in the world after USA, China and Brazil, which contributes about 10% of the world oilseeds production, 6-7% of the global production of vegetable oil, and nearly 7% of protein meal. Although India has 20.8% of the world’s area under oilseed crops, it accounts for about 10% of global production. This is because of low productivity of oilseed crops and year to year fluctuations in production in India.


Pulses are consumed as Dal, which is a cheap source of plant protein. These are consumed because of body building properties having presence of various amino acids. These also have medicinal properties. By products of pulses like leaves, pod coats and bran are given to animals in the form of dry fodder. Some pulse crops like Gram, Lobia, Urdbean & Moongbean are fed to animals as green fodder. Moong plants are also used as green manure which improve soil health and adds nutrient into the soil.


India is the world’s second largest producer of Rice, Wheat and other cereals. The huge demand for cereals in the global market is creating an excellent environment for the export of Indian cereal products. In 2008, India had imposed ban on export of rice and wheat etc to meet domestic needs. Now, seeing the huge demand in the global market and country’s surplus production, Country has lifted the ban, but only limited amount of export of the commodity are allowed. The allowed marginal quantity of exports cereals could not make any significant impact either on domestic prices or the storage conditions.


Cotton is a part of our daily lives from the time we dry our faces on a soft cotton towel in the morning until we slide between fresh cotton sheets at night. It has hundreds of uses, from blue jeans to shoe strings. Clothing and household items are the largest uses, but industrial products account from many thousands of bales.


Indian spices and cuisines are known all over the world for their exquisite taste, flavor , aroma and variety. Spices have formed on integral part of Indian and international cuisine for centuries, lending their wonderful taste and flavor to the food. In addition, spices are also known for their therapeutic and medicinal properties.


HR Coil are used in the most critical engineering and also in certain applications in the automotive sector. In additon , some of the value added HR coil product include steel for LPG Cyliner, API Grade, Corrosion resistant steel, Critical Structiral application steel, Boiler Quality , auto grade, presision and medium/hihg cabon grade among others.